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Produkt zum Begriff Russian-Ukrainian-War-Series-:
Strashny, Alexander: The Ukrainian Mentality
The Ukrainian Mentality , Alexander Strashny examinines what defines Ukrainians as a people and makes them tick. Based on an analysis of Ukraine¿s history, everyday life, economy, military affairs, gender, religion, art, music, and other cultural aspects, the Strashny, a trained psychoanlyst and prolific author, outlines those psychological features of Ukrainians that define them as a distinctive nation. Upon examining similarities and differences between Ukrainians and Europeans, on the one hand, and Russians, on the other, the author singles out the fifty most salient features of the Ukrainian outlook, whose combination constitutes the essence of the Ukrainian mentality. The book explains how the population of a relatively small country successfully resists a more powerful and ruthless aggressor. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 29.90 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Russian Hostel
Preis: 34 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Mann, Klaus: Berlin war meine Stadt
Berlin war meine Stadt , "In Berlin zu sein bedeutete an sich schon ein erregendes Abenteuer!", schreibt Klaus Mann rückblickend über das Berlin der Zwanzigerjahre. Gerade mal im Teenager-Alter zieht es den angehenden Schriftsteller 1924 aus dem beschaulichen München in die Skandalstadt. Das Abenteuer sucht und findet er hier - in wilden Ausschweifungen, Drogenkonsum und im Ausleben seiner Homosexualität. Die in diesem Band versammelten Texte zeichnen das Porträt eines ruhelosen Künstlers und einer turbulenten Stadt. . , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 20.00 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Russian Horror Story
Russian Horror Story
Preis: 1.62 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Russian-Ukrainian-War-Series-:
My Ukrainian Top 15 Models (Soell, Stefan)
My Ukrainian Top 15 Models , STEFAN SOELL'S TOP 15 UKRAINIAN MODELS: breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly seductive This volume of photographs contains 15 different models, all of whom come from Ukraine. Each and every one is breathtakingly beautiful, incredibly seductive, and displays great self-confidence. Stefan Soell succeeds in firing up a stunning collection of images, all in a class of their own. Thanks to his talented eye and skilful finger, always hovering over the shutter release, all it takes is a tenth of a second to capture extraordinary pictures that typify his striking talent. In fact, a plan had long been in place to create a highly charged erotic photo tour, as Stefan has been taking pictures of Ukrainian models for well over 20 years. Today, he can look back on a highly eventful history. Before 1989 or 1990, it was practically impossible to pass girls through the Iron Curtain to the West. The only way to find them required many so-called managers and whatever connections there were to be had, together with bribery. You had to complete many official documents. Often, despite a great deal of hard work, there was no success. The general opinion of the authorities was that the young, pretty girls, in the prime of their lives, would never come back again, whatever else happened to them. Fortunately, over the years, travel options have improved, and the abolition of the visa requirement has enabled a stream of Ukrainian models to flow into the West unopposed. Stefan Soell has the following to say about his models: "These girls are part of a generation that grew up in hard times. In those days, you had to fight for any improvement in living standards, whether it was for better food, an improved job or a modest enhancement in personal comfort. I have always been impressed by the mental toughness and resilience of these Ukrainian girls. They have an extremely self-confident yet relaxed approach to nude photography. I book most of the models presented here through the model agency Phototours Ukraine. My special thanks go to Oksana, who, as a former model, runs her own agency to professional standards. Please visit , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Erscheinungsjahr: 202304, Produktform: Leinen, Autoren: Soell, Stefan, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 288, Abbildungen: mit über 400 farbigen Fotos, with over 400 pictures in full color, Keyword: Aktaufnahmen; Aktfotografien Ukraine; Erotikbuch; Erotikbuch Frauen; Erotikfotografie Ukraine; Erotische Fotografie; Erotische Kunst; Fine Art Nude Fotografie; Fotoaktkunst; Fotobildband Aktaufnahmen; Fotobildband Erotik; Fotobildband Frauenerotik; Fotokunst Erotik; Fotokunstbildband Erotik; Frauenakt Ukraine; Girls Erotik; Soell Aktfotografie; Soell Erotikmodels; Stefan Soell Erotikbuch; Stefan Soell Fotobildband; Stefan Söll Models; Top Models Buch; Traumfrau Erotik; Ukrainische Erotikfotografien; Ukrainische Top Models; heisse Aktfotografie; künstlerische Aktfotografie; weiblicher Akt, Fachschema: Erotik / Fotobände (Frauen)~Frau / Fotobände~Mensch / Fotobände (Frauen)~Erotik (Motiv, bildende Kunst), Fachkategorie: Erotische Kunst, Fachkategorie: Erotische und Akt-Fotografie, Thema: Entdecken, Text Sprache: eng ger, Verlag: Skylight Edition, Verlag: Skylight, Edition, Länge: 269, Breite: 219, Höhe: 30, Gewicht: 1710, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Geisteswissenschaften/Kunst/Musik, Genre: Geisteswissenschaften/Kunst/Musik, Autor: 9783037666364 9783037666500 9783037666548 9783037666616 9783037666678, Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0050, Tendenz: +1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,
Preis: 49.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
AutoCamp Russian River
Preis: 213 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Gears of War 4 (PC / Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Gears of War 4 (PC / Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Preis: 9.56 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Xbox ONE / Xbox Series X|S)
Preis: 5.87 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
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